Written and illustrated by Richard Rudnicki
ISBN 978-1-55109-868-5
For ages 4-8. A classic Christmas story based on a true story that
happened in depression-era Oxford, Nova Scotia. It is about the hard times a family is experiencing and an unexpected kindness the family receives from the townspeople at Christmas.
With their Ma very sick and their Pa away working in the woods, six year old Dot and her older brother, Wallis, have to work extra hard to keep the household going. A beautiful dollhouse is being raffled off at the drugstore, and Dot is enraptured by it, but she knows her family doesn’t have the money to enter the draw. The townspeople notice this and on Christmas morning there is a knock at the door with a big surprise.
Beautifully illustrated with realistic paintings depicting life in a small, rural town in 1930.
Some of Richard Rudnicki's illustrations for this book...
These are all single page illustrations about 13" X 10", acrylic on w/c paper and $750 each.